semantic analysis of the word "dam" with regard to image schemas: polysemy or homonymy?
Paper ID : 1081-ICIL
Sepideh Abdolkarimi *
Tehran- Velenjak- Daneshjou Blv.- Shahid Beheshti University- faculty of letters and human sciences- 2nd. floor- room 244
Present paper is a semantic attempt with a cognitive approach to investigate meanings of the word “dam” with regard to different represented image schemas in mentioned meanings. In this paper the author has tried to answer three questions; namely 1- Do meanings of the word “dam” show polysemy or homonymy? 2- Which image schemas are represented in different meanings of “dam”? 3- Which image schema is represented in different meanings of “dam” as the fixed one?
To answer these questions, in the first step default concepts in cognitive lexical semantics; namely semantic widening, polysemy, homonymy, radial categories and image schemas have been explained, then 23 meanings of “dam” from Sokhan, Sadri Afshar & Hakami and Dehkhoda dictionaries have been gathered to see how image schemas play role in forming these meanings. In addition, 23 gathered meanings have been categorized in in eight groups. Results show not all meanings are related together and this fact play an important role in recognition polysemy from homonymy. Motion, space and length are among recognized image schemas and other kinds of image schemas like containment and force are not represented. In the end, semantic network of “dam” has been drawn.
cognitive semantics, radial categories, semantic network, image schemas, polysemy, homonymy.
Status : Paper Accepted
10th International Iranian Conference on Linguistics