MOOD TYPE System in Persian and English: A Typological Perspective
Paper ID : 1068-ICIL
ٍٍEsmaeil Safaei Asl *1, Yousef Aram2
1Marand-East Azarbaijan- Iran
2Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
The goal of this study is to describe the typological behaviors of the MOOD TYPE system in the clause grammar of Persian language in terms of Matthiessen (2004)’s typological generalizations as to the MOOD system on the one hand and compare those behaviors with typological behaviors of the MOOD TYPE system in the clause grammar of English language on the other hand.
The results of the present study indicate that Persian MOOD TYPE system (1) has all three declarative, polar interrogative, and imperative moods, (2) has a cline between declarative and polar interrogative clauses, (3) uses negative polar interrogatives to indicate speaker’s positive bias, (4) does not put the Negotiator at the final position of the clause, (5) differentiates the imperative mood from the other mood types, (6) leaves the Subject of an ‘imperative’ clause implicit if it is the addressee, (7) can realize the speech function of ‘command’ incongruently in terms of the distinctions based on the interpersonal relations between the speaker and the addressee, and (8) lacks the systemic interaction between the imperative mood and the system of POLARITY. The results of this study also show that Persian language (1) like English, belongs to the ‘languages having the Wh-interrogative category’ type , (2) like English, groups the Wh-interrogatives along with the polar interrogatives in the interrogative category contrasting with the declarative category, (3) like English, queries just the participants and circumstantial Adjuncts in the Wh-interrogatives, and (4) unlike English, belongs to the ‘Wh-in-situ languages’ type.
systemic functional grammar, systemic functional typology, MOOD TYPE system, Persian language, English language
Status : Paper Accepted
10th International Iranian Conference on Linguistics