Metatypy in Mazandarani Language and it’s Consequences
Paper ID : 1012-ICIL
محمدصالح ذاکری *
ساری- خ فرهنگ- خ حافظ- ک کاملیا- پ 46
In this article, at first based on one of the important parameters of typology, i.e. word order, we intend to describe the typological features of Mazandarani language. Then, by comparing these features with those of Persian language, we distinguish the typological differences between them and finally, comparing the word order features used between the old and new generations, it can be detected what features are different in these two generations and what consequences these differences may have for the future Mazandarani language .
The framework of this research is based on the pattern which Dabir-moghadam (1392) used on Iranian languages. For this purpose, with regard to word order, he considers 24 features which are selected from Dryer (1992) named “The Greenbergian Word Order Correlations” and his other complementary researches which are related to this field.
According to the findings of this article, regarding the 24 aforementioned features, Mazandarni language differs with Persian in 8 ones. Practically speaking, this means that if due to different factors these different features change diachronically, this language loses its autonomous identity and becomes convergent to Persian. Comparing the usage of these features between the new and old Mazandarnian generations shows that 5 out of these 8 features are identically used as in Persian. In this respect, it can be predicted that Mazndarani language will change typologically in future and this language which is now a “OV language”, like Persian, will gradually change into a “VO language”.
typology, word order, Mazandarani language, Metatypy, convergence.
Status : Paper Accepted
10th International Iranian Conference on Linguistics