A Cognitive Explanation for the Use of “Fire” in Conceptualization of the Two Feelings of “Love” and “Anger”
Paper ID : 1008-ICIL
Azadeh Sharifi Moghaddam *
Kerman- Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
The aim of this research is to find an explanation for the use of a single target domain of fire for two different source domains of love and anger. The data which was collected from among the metaphorical expressions including the concept of “fire” showed that conceptualization of fire for two or more different feelings can be justified by the relative nature of mapping. As the result of this, some features of the source domain are highlighted in one domain while some others remain hidden. Regarding love, features of fire with positive value are highlighted and then transmitted to the target domain. These features include feelings of pleasure, upward movement, mobility, dynamism and refinement. Related to anger, the above features are hidden as not to be important. In contrast, features with negative value such as physical damage, danger of explosion and disability are highlighted and mapped to the target domain.
conceptual metaphor, target domain of love, target domain of anger, source domain of fire, mapping
Status : Paper Accepted
10th International Iranian Conference on Linguistics